[How to get started]
Created by Peter Wieland
(peter.wieland(at)dnv.com) .
Copyleft under the terms of The GNU General Public License.
Running Perl scripts
After installing Perl, you have several options to run Perl scripts:
- Double-click on the script files. This option pops up a command
prompt window, and all output of the script is piped to this window.
Unfortunately the window dissapears after the script is executed (if there
is no wait_for_input while executing the script). Error messages leading
to program stops remain invisible. Thus, this method should
only be used if you know all scripts are working properly.
- Launch a command
prompt window, navigate to the location the script is placed, and type the script name. Through this method, all error messages remain visible on the
command prompt window. This method should be used until all scripts work
without problems.
Generated: Sun Aug 28 08:50:59 2005 by PWR.pl (PW_Tools)