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Created by Peter Wieland
(peter.wieland(at)dnv.com) .
Copyleft under the terms of The GNU General Public License.

Groups directory

Location: ./PW_Tools/PWA/Input/ (Example)

It can contain as many *.txt files, as wanted. Each file is used to create a group of people working on a common item in the project, e.g. all persons doing modelling, are members of the project steering group. etc.

Each file must have a unique name (sort order of file name determines sort order in profile). Each file consists of e header part and a body part:

HEADER PART contents:

MAILLIST:email-address (optional)

BODY PART contents:

as many lines as wished containing
flag "I" for individuals or "C" for companies
key if flag is "C": a company key for reference which individuals from which company are members of the group (same as member field in contacts.csv) if flag is "I": same as an unique identified for each person (same as key field in contacts.csv)

Example file:

the file ./PW_Tools/PWA/Input/Groups/WP1.txt
TITLE:Work Package 1 Members

This will produce:


Generated: Sun Aug 28 08:50:59 2005 by PWR.pl (PW_Tools)